
Useful Contacts

Useful Contacts in Salford


Any emergency contact Police, Ambulance, Fire service – 999
Any non-emergency Police enquiries – 101
Any non-emergency health enquires – 111

Non-emergency support:

Welfare rights and debt advice Salford; Call; 0161 710 1070
Salford unemployed and community services; Call; 0161 789 2999
Salford Citizens advice: Call; 0344 411 1444 0r 0845 345 4345
Salford Job Centre Plus: Call; 0800 169 0190
HMRC Tax credits: Call; 0345 300 3900
Housing benefit/Council Tax: Call; 0161 912 2220

Child contact: The gingerbread single parent helpline: Call; 0808 802 0925.
CAFCASS (Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service): Call; 0300 456
Child Contact and family support Salford: Call; 0808 808 3555
The Children’s Society (Manchester/ Salford) Call; 0161 257 3407

NSPCC helpline: 24 hours a day 365 days a year; Call; 0808 800 5000
Counselling for children, young people and adults: Call; 0161 941 7755
Psychological Wellbeing Service: Call; 0161 495 9096
Self help and referral services: Call; 0161 226 3871
Gaddum Centre: Call; 0161 834 6069

Domestic Abuse:

(Salford Refuge) Call; 0161 793 3232
National domestic violence helpline (24/7 service) – 0808 2000 247
Manchester women’s aid – 0161 660 7999
DV Assist – 0800 195 8699
Victim support (any crime not just DA) – 0161 200 1950
Fortalice (Bolton) – 01204 365677

Sexual Assault:

Rape Crisis; Call: 0808 802 9999
St Mary’s Sexual Assault Centre 24-hour confidential service; Call: 0161 276 6515
End The Fear: Call;0161 636 7525
MASH; Call; 0161 603 4350

Drugs & Alcohol:
Achieve (Bolton, Salford and Trafford): Call: 0161 871 2623
Change, grow, live (Manchester/ Salford): Call: 0161 226 5526
Narcotics anonymous open 10am-12pm Everyday: Call; 0300 999 1212
Frank: Call; 0300 1236600

Ethnic groups/Immigration:
Jewish Women’s Aid; Open Monday to Thursday, 9.30am to 9pm; Call: 0808 801 0500
Saheli Call; 0161 945 4187
Muslim women’s network Call; 0800 999 5786
Greater Manchester Immigration Aid Unit Call; 0161 740 5172
Home office Call; 020 7035 4848
Honour Network for women seeking advice for forced marriage and honour based
abuse; Call: 0800 599 9247
Aarladi Somali Community in Manchester: Call: 01612262519


Salford Housing Options Project (SHOP): Call; 0161 793 2020 or 0161 794 8888
Salford Emergency Shelter: Call; 0808 800 4444
Manchester Homeless Advice Service Call; 0161 234 4692
Shelter Greater Manchester Call; 0344 515 1640

LBGT (Lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans):LBGT Foundation: Call; 0345 330 30 30
Galop: Call; 0800 999 5428
Broken rainbow UK: Call; 0845 260 5560

Legal Advice:
Rights of women (free legal advice): Call; 0207 251 6577
DV Assist (Can provide legal advice, can calculate if eligible for legal aid, recommend
solicitors etc): Call; 0800 195 8699
FLOWS (Finding Legal options for women survivors) 9-5 Everyday: Call: 0203 745
Independent choices (Manchester/ Salford) Legal advice and support: Call; 0161 636

Mental Health:

Salford Mental health services and advice: Call; 0161 925 8022
Salford Primary Care Psychological Therapy Service (Self Referral): Call; 0161 358
Salford Mind: Call; 0161 710 1070
Samaritans (24/7): Call; 116 123
Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust: Call; 0161 773 9121

Perpetrator Support:

Talk, Listen, Change (TLC): Call; 0161 872 1100
Respect: Call; 0808 802 4040
Independent Choices (Maintain National Refuge Information) Call; 0161 636 7525
Male refuge: Call; 01823 334244
Manchester Children and Family Refugee Asylum Seeker Service: Call; 0161 2268137

Social services:

Children’s services (For Abuse or Neglect): Call; 0161 603 4500
Children’s services (Family Support): Call; 0161 603 4500
Adult services: Call; 0161 631 4777
Older People:
Action on elder abuse; Mon – Fri; 9-5: Call; 0808 808 8141
Age UK: Open 8am-7pm 365 days: Call 0800 678 1602
Independent age (General advice for the elderly): Call;0800 319 6789

Help for men:

Men’s Advice Line: open Monday to Friday, 10am to 1pm and 2pm to 5pm; Call: 0808
801 0327
ManKind Initiative (For male victims of Domestic abuse) Open Monday to Friday,
10am to 4pm and 7pm to 9pm (except Friday evenings): Call: 01823 334 244
Survivors Manchester (For male victims of sexual assault): Call; 0161 236 2182
M-Power (Helpline for men of victims of sexual assault) Open on Thursday evenings,
8pm to 10pm: Call: 0808 808 4321

Manchester Central Foodbank: Open 10am-12noon every Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday: Call; 0161 272 5210 or 07928412339

Address: Manchester Universities’ Catholic Student Chaplaincy

Avila House, 335-337 Oxford Road, Manchester, M13 9PG

Salford Food Bank: OPEN WEDNESDAYS; 1-3pm Call; 0161 637 4500
Address; Dallas court; south way Langworthy Road; Salford Quays; M50 2GF

Mocha Parade: NON SPECIFIC OPENING TIMES; Call; 0161 637 4500
Address; Christ Central Mocha Parade Lower Broughton Salford; M7 1QE

Connect Church: NON-SPECIFIC OPENING TIMES; Call; 0161 637 4500
Address: Connect Church Mather Avenue entrance off Chadwick Road Eccles;
M30 0UG

Human Kind – Call : +44 (0)1325 731160

Please note that we have tried our best to include free phone only numbers.
This was correct at time of publishing.
Please check before making any calls and take
responsibility for any charges which may be incurred.

copyright: Salford Foundation

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